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Скачать с ютуб The Vascular Anomalies Center at Children’s Hospital Colorado в хорошем качестве

The Vascular Anomalies Center at Children’s Hospital Colorado 1 год назад

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The Vascular Anomalies Center at Children’s Hospital Colorado

Our Vascular Anomalies Center in the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders is dedicated to finding personalized and targeted therapy for vascular anomalies in children. With a multi-disciplinary care team across several departments, our providers use pediatric research, genetic sequencing and interventional radiology to treat several types of vascular anomalies. We have a state-of-the-art molecular biology lab to help us get the most accurate diagnosis and our providers are on the cutting edge of personalized therapy for vascular anomalies. In this video, find more information about our Vascular Anomalies Center and how medical education and advocacy is important to caring for rare diseases. To learn more about the conditions we treat and how our care team at the Vascular Anomalies Center is pioneering treatment, visit: Connect with Children’s Colorado: Instagram:   / childrenscolo   Facebook:   / childrenshospitalcolorado   Twitter:   / childrenscolo   LinkedIn:   / children's-hospital-colorado   Website:
