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Скачать с ютуб The Red Lion: The Reign of Castamere (CK3 AGOT) в хорошем качестве

The Red Lion: The Reign of Castamere (CK3 AGOT) 9 месяцев назад

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The Red Lion: The Reign of Castamere (CK3 AGOT)

Since y'all liked the last video so much, I figured we'd hop back into AGOT and correct the Reyne vs. Lannister timeline in the Westerlands. Enjoy! 🔗AGOT Mod Link: 🔗Soul Tomato Channel Discord link:   / discord   🔗Like the video? Consider Joining the Solanum Brotherhood! (Become a channel member):    / @soul_tomato   Music (In Order): The Rains of Castamere (Cover) by Roxane Genot Eternal Ring - 12 - Cliff Forest Daggerfall Orchestral Remaster by Lord_Braathen - Swimming Kings Field 4 OST - City Ruins OSRS OST by Ian Taylor - Dark Chrono Trigger - Corridors of Time (Orchestral Remix by Malcolm Robinson Music) TES 3 Oblivion OST - Harvest Dawn by Jeremy Soule Journey OST by Austin Wintory - Nascence Anno 1602 OST - Entry of the Calvary Majesty OST by Kevin Manthei - Track 1 Knights of Honor OST - Where my Heart is Crusader Kings 2 OST - The Byzantine Empire by Andreas Waldetoft Heroes of Might and Magic IV - Sea Theme by Paul Anthony Romero
