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Thomas Aquinas refuted Descartes before he was born! 3 месяца назад

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Thomas Aquinas refuted Descartes before he was born!

Today, we'll cover how Aquinas and his followers refuted Descartes faulty 'I think, therefore I am' statement and how Thomistic Epistemology solves the issue. Tanbooks - (Use code: SANCTUS15) - ___________________________________________________________________________ Sources: Summa Philosophica vol. 1, 8th ed. Pg. 200 Summa Philosophica, vol.5, pg.9 ST I-II, q. 94, a. 2 _________________________________________ MY SOCIALS/ SUPPORT Merch: Discord Server:   / discord   Twitter: ___________________________________________________________________________ GO FOLLOW ‪@ThomisticaScholastica‬:    / @thomisticascholastica  
