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Continuous Measurement (Rate, Frequency, Duration, IRT, Trials to Criterion, Percent of Occurrence) 2 года назад

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Continuous Measurement (Rate, Frequency, Duration, IRT, Trials to Criterion, Percent of Occurrence)

00:00 Continuous Measurement in ABA 00:44 What is Continuous Measurement in Applied Behavior Analysis 01:29 Frequency 03:40 Rate 05:44 Duration 07:30 Latency 09:27 Interresponse Time (IRT) 11:48 Percent of Occurrence 13:40 Trials to Criterion Hi! Welcome back to RBT Exam Review and Let's Learn ABA. Today we are reviewing continuous measurement including rate, frequency, duration, latency, interreponse time, trials to criterion, and percentage of occurrence. RBTs and BCBAs need to know continuous measurement for their RBT exam and BCBA exam. For RBT Exam Prep: For BCBA Exam prep: Purchase the RBT practice exam: Purchase the RBT study guide: Purchase both: Thanks for the support! Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) implement applied behavior analysis (ABA) programming designed by BCBAs and BCaBAs. RBT Exam Review provides what you need to pass. For a complete study guide of the RBT task list please check out my other video:    • Complete RBT Task List Study Guide - ...   For a complete RBT competency assessment study guide please check out this video:    • RBT Practice Exam | Complete RBT Prac...   For a complete BCBA task list study guide:    • Complete BCBA Task List Study Guide |...   If you have any queries, please let us know in the comments. Thank you for your support! 🔊 LIKE ➡ SHARE ➡ SUBSCRIBE ►
