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Скачать с ютуб Jeera rice recipe-How to make jeera rice-flavoured cumin rice restaurant style-quick rice recipe в хорошем качестве

Jeera rice recipe-How to make jeera rice-flavoured cumin rice restaurant style-quick rice recipe 8 лет назад

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Jeera rice recipe-How to make jeera rice-flavoured cumin rice restaurant style-quick rice recipe

Jeera rice recipe-How to make perfect jeera rice-flavoured cumin rice restaurant style-quick rice recipe Welcome to Cook with Sonali. Today jam going to make jeera rice or cumin flavoured rice. So let's have a look at the ingredients. Ingredients 1 Cup of basmati rice 1 and 1/3 cup of water Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom Salt to taste 2 pc of red chilli 2-3 tbsp oil or ghee 1 tbsp of cumin seeds 1 tbsp of chopped coriander leaves That's all you need to make jeera rice. So let's get started with the dish. In a pressure cooker add 2 tbsp of ghee and let it heat. Now add all spices cinnamon, cloves cardamom, jeera, and red chilli. Sauté for couple of minutes. Nowadd soaked basmati rice. Actually I soaked the rice for about 30 minutes before then removed the water and added it into the pressure cooker. Roast the rice for about 2-3 minutes. Now I will add water. I have used 1 glass of Rice and add 1 and 1/3 cup of water. If you cook the jeera rice with an open vessel then you will need to add double the amount of water. Add ½ tbsp of salt and mix it well. Now cover the pressure cooker lid.Cook it until it gives 1 whistle. After 1 whistle turn off gas flame and let it rest until the pressure cooker steam goes off. Now open the lid and the rice will really come out very well. Now take it out. Jeera rice is ready to be garnished with some chopped coriander leaves. Serve it hot with any curry. Hope you will try this out and let me know in comment section below and don’t forget to subscribe for more delicious recipes.
