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What's an Inside Sales Representative | Complete Guide to Sales Positions in Tech & IT Part 4 2 года назад

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What's an Inside Sales Representative | Complete Guide to Sales Positions in Tech & IT Part 4

Tech sales is complex. That's why we created the Complete Guide to Sales Positions in Tech and IT, where we break down the main stages of the sales funnel and give you a detailed summary of each of the 11 sales positions. In this video we will cover the Inside Sales Representative: What is an Inside Sales Representative (ISR)? What does a ISR do? What is the difference between inside sales and outside sales? Download the sales funnel infographic here: ------- Thank you for watching our video. Leave your thoughts in the comments and if you like what we are doing, subscribe to our channel. 🔴 Subscribe to our Channel    / @wahl_and_case   ✚ About Wahl+Case Tech Recruitment in Tokyo - Wahl+Case specializes in discovering, placing, and retaining the best tech talent for the most innovative companies in Japan, from small startups to large enterprises. #techrecruitment​ #careers​ #jobseekers​ Interested in Tech Jobs in Tokyo? Visit our website!​ Want to join us? We're hiring!​ ✚ Follow Wahl+Case LinkedIn:   / wahl...​   Facebook:   / wahlandcase​   Twitter:   / wahlandcase​   Instagram:   / ​   TikTok:   / wahl_and_case  
