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Скачать с ютуб Xzibit Talks Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Pimp My Ride, and Performing for 250K People | Interview в хорошем качестве

Xzibit Talks Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Pimp My Ride, and Performing for 250K People | Interview 1 год назад

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Xzibit Talks Dr. Dre, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Pimp My Ride, and Performing for 250K People | Interview

Xzibit dropped by the neighborhood to speak with Big Boy about working with Dr. Dre, Eminem, and Snoop Dogg. In celebration of 50 years of hip-hop, he explains the stories behind some of his most iconic songs, remembers performing for 250,000 people, and explains how he started working with Dre. Xzibit recalls hosting “Pimp My Ride”, discusses the “Up In Smoke” tour, and shares his previous stage names. Plus, he reveals that his next album (King Maker) might be his last solo project. MORE OF XZIBIT: ►Xzibit's Quarantine Couch Interview With Big Boy    • Xzibit's Quarantine Couch Interview W...   ►XZIBIT GIMME 5    • XZIBIT GIMME 5   ►Xzibit and James Savage Talk New Music + A lot More!    • Xzibit and James Savage Talk New Musi...   ►Xzibit on Dying on Empire, Brass Knuckles & The New West Coast    • Xzibit on Dying on Empire, Brass Knuc...   ►Xzibit on Playing Shyne on "Empire", Friendship with Dr. Dre, New Music And More! | BigBoyTV    • Xzibit on Playing Shyne on "Empire", ...   ►Xzibit FULL INTERVIEW | BigBoyTV    • Xzibit FULL INTERVIEW | BigBoyTV   WATCH OTHER SIMILAR VIDEOS: ►Big Boy Calls Xzibit Whenever His Song Is Playing    • Big Boy Calls Xzibit Whenever His Son...   ►Xzibit On Getting Into The Booth After Eminem    • Xzibit On Getting Into The Booth Afte...   SUBSCRIBE ► SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW CHANNELS ► ►   / @bigboyuncut   ►   / @bigboytvplus.   CONNECT - BIG BOY ► Instagram: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: CONNECT - NEIGHBORHOOD ► Instagram: ► Facebook: ► Twitter: ► Listen to Full Shows: ► Blog: #Xzibit #bigboy
