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Скачать с ютуб How to Dye Polyester and Nylon with Jacquard iDye в хорошем качестве

How to Dye Polyester and Nylon with Jacquard iDye 3 года назад

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How to Dye Polyester and Nylon with Jacquard iDye

With Jacquard iDye for Nylon and Polyester, dying synthetic fabrics at home has never been easier! One of the only dyes that will color polyster, iDye Poly is perfect for virtually any synthetic! Color plastics and nylons, including toys, stockings, wigs, rope, plastic objects, and so much more. Just fill a stainless steel or enamel pot with the recommended amount of water! Objects need only to withstand heat without melting. Each pack comes with a self-dissolving packet and color intensifier. Simply drop in your dye packet and intensifier, agitate until dyes are fully dissolves, and ensure water is at a rolling boil. Shop Jacquard iDye for Polyester/Nylon now: Subscribe for more videos from Blick:
