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Скачать с ютуб Worldsouls, The Jailer And A Whole Bunch Of Panda Stuff: CHRONICLE VOL. IV (Part One) в хорошем качестве

Worldsouls, The Jailer And A Whole Bunch Of Panda Stuff: CHRONICLE VOL. IV (Part One) 2 месяца назад

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Worldsouls, The Jailer And A Whole Bunch Of Panda Stuff: CHRONICLE VOL. IV (Part One)

Part One of the Chronicle Volume IV book written by Matt Burns, Matt Forbeck, Marty Forbeck & Christie Golden. This episode features a recap on the Titans, Sargeras and Worldsouls / A recontextualisation of Sylvanas' story / Everything up to the the end of the Temple of the White Tiger segment of the book ================================================ Accreditations: Dungeon footage provided by Hirumaredx -    / @hirumaredx   Some zone b-roll footage used from Everness / Meisio -    / @everness1   /    / @meisio   ================================================ Buy the book -   / world-of-warcraft-chronicle-volume-4   Patreon Link:   / flyingbuttress   Flying Buttress Discord Server:   / discord   AI-Generated Backgrounds created using Canva / Magic Studio #lore #story #wow
