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Скачать с ютуб Leather Winged Bat | Music With Mr. DelGaudio | an Irish folk song with Orff parts в хорошем качестве

Leather Winged Bat | Music With Mr. DelGaudio | an Irish folk song with Orff parts 3 года назад

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Leather Winged Bat | Music With Mr. DelGaudio | an Irish folk song with Orff parts

Welcome to Music with Mr. DelGaudio! Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more elementary general music lessons, activities and ideas! You can purchase and download the Orff Arrangement: (The purchase includes an mp3 with and without vocals and a PDF of the arrangement.) This is an Irish Folk Song called "Leather Winged Bat". There are a few different versions of it. I really love the Burl Ives version:    • Burl Ives - The Bird Courting Song (T...   Also, this fun version from the Muppet Show feat. Judy Collins:    • Muppets - Judy Collins - (The) leathe...   This arrangement is great for 4th or 5th Grade. It can work during the spookiness of October, or any other time during the year you like!
