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This is What REALLY Happened After Martin Luther King Was Shot!

Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Assasination, Martin Luther King Funeral April 4th. 1968. The United States of America. The country had been simmering to a boil for years. An Assassinated President. A globally derided and domestically challenged war. A Civil Rights movement only grew in voice and stature by the year. America was reaching a boiling point. Yet on this day, the schools closed, the businesses were shut, and the nation and the globe were swept in outrage, shock and mourning. Martin Luther King Jr. was dead. Martin Luther King stands as one of the most important and respected figures of the entire 20th century. His doctrine of nonviolence and searingly powerful public speaking brought a civil rights movement able to confront America’s original sin like never before. In 1964, Dr. King would be given the Nobel Peace Prize for his remarkable impact on challenging racial inequality and legislation would follow from the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act of 1964 to the Fair Housing Act of 1968. However, King was fighting a cause in a country built on white supremacy, and challenging the moral authority of this put his life in danger. His life would be extinguished far too soon but the immediate impact of the loss was profound and would be felt around the globe. A true American who upheld the best of the country’s sense of possibilities by challenging it to be even better than it was, King’s place in history is eternally assured. Yet what were those moments after his loss like? Today we follow the events immediately after the passing of Martin Luther King. Welcome to History on Fleek. In today's video we look at What Happened After Martin Luther King Was Shot Will SHOCK You…...Keep watching to see Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Assasination, Martin Luther King Funeral. On our history channel History On Fleek, we will go through dark history in a history documentary style. Stay tuned for the latest history of ancient civilizations and other weird events in history. Click here to subscribe: Click here to subscribe: #darkhistory #historydocumentary #martinlutherking
