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Скачать с ютуб Most Injured Lion after Battle and What Happens Next in Nature - Animal Documentary - Natures Best в хорошем качестве

Most Injured Lion after Battle and What Happens Next in Nature - Animal Documentary - Natures Best 2 года назад

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Most Injured Lion after Battle and What Happens Next in Nature - Animal Documentary - Natures Best

Most Injured Lion after Battle and What Happens Next in Nature - Animal Documentary - Natures Best Hello and welcome to Natures Best. SUBSCRIBE - Injured but lucky and what happens next in nature. Lions are majestic animals, the epitome of bravery and strength. we've never seen them weak and vulnerable, injured and feeble, or have we. Here this lion suffered a seizure attack whilst chasing a wildebeest. another time a lion injured and broke the back of another lion. We hope you enjoy our documentary on amazing animals that nature provides us. this channel creates videos on wild animals that have a lot of animal attacks involved in them. We talk you through each video as to what is happening and why these animals attack like they do. The result are animal fights that will both entertain and educate you about animals and how they hunt. We hope you enjoy it as a lot of work has gone into the making of this video. #lion #injuredlion #animaldocumentary
