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China and Globalization: Consensus or Conflict 2 года назад

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China and Globalization: Consensus or Conflict

For more: The Hub with Wang Guan discusses with Wang Huiyao, Founder and President of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), and Alistair Michie, Chair of the International Council of CCG and Director of the Hampton Group, respectively editor and co-editor of “Consensus or Conflict? – China and Globalization in the 21st century” published by Springer. In this book, over 30 leading international scholars and policymakers share their ideas on the future of global governance and rules-based order. Wang and Michie call for a overhaul of the post-WW2 world order that takes into account geopolitical rebalancing and the tectonic shifts of our times, based on a wide consensus and effective communication. Subscribe to us on YouTube: Download our APP on Apple Store (iOS): Download our APP on Google Play (Android):
