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the box Achat 112 M (2022) short review 2 года назад

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the box Achat 112 M (2022) short review

Measurement equipment, methodics, environment: Software: ARTA & LIMP Soundcard: Creative X-Fi USB HD Pre-Amp: IMG MPA-102 Microphone: Isemcon EMX-7150 (Class 1 FR; calibrated; Max. SPL 135 dB @ 1% THD) SPL Calibrator: Isemcon SC-1 (Class 2, temperature & supply-voltage compensated; Accuracy +/- 0,5 dB) Amplifier: t.amp TA 2400 MK-X ARTA Measurement Box V3.2 Voltmeter w/ 1,5% accuracy All acoustic measurements were done in ground plane (ref.: Groundplane Acoustic Measurement of Loudspeaker Systems - Gander, AES, 1980), in a true outdoor enviroment, with no relevant obstacles to the wavelengths in question, on a flat, hard surface on a wind free day. All acoustic measurements performed at 2 metres distance. GPM 2m equals 4pi 1m. Calibration is tested / verified before & after the measurement series. Measurements are repeated at least once, and the result only accepted as valid / reproducable if results from two or more measurements match perfectly (within tenths of a dB). For the sensitivity measurement, amplifier voltage (Vrms) was determined with a sine signal; 2,83 volts = 1 watt at 8 ohms.
