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Greatest Drag Week Finish Ever - Day 5 2 месяца назад

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Greatest Drag Week Finish Ever - Day 5

Subscribe to Sick The Magazine or purchase merchandise NOW to win this 1962 Chevy II Gasser + $5K - Subscribe to Sick The Magazine - Get Sick Merch - Edelbrock Sick 66 October 10-18, 2024, get your tickets now - Day five of Hot Rod Drag Week was one of the most action-packed we have ever seen! Bryant Goldstone had to replace a transmission in one of the most impressive single day thrashes we’ve ever seen but it paid off with his first ever overall Drag Week win. Alex Taylor (from Hot Rod Garage) had her best ever Drag Week finish in her 55 Chevy. Mike Finnegan (from Mike Finnegan's Garage) and Tony Angelo (from Stay Tuned) had to withdraw Blasphemi from competition after running into engine problems on the drive. Remember you can watch the Motortrend live stream (featuring awesome commentary from David Freiburger and Brian Lohnes) to re-live Drag Week, from the moment we first saw Ned Dunphy’s SMX Dodge Viper to the dramatic finish!
