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How Diverse is MALAYSIA?!

HELLO MALAYSIA! I am beyond excited to be back here for a third visit! Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is a LOT different than I remembered it back in 2014 (when I was here as budget backpacker...) It's bizarre to see how much a city can evolve in just 4 years. Anyways, the thing I love most about this fascinating country of Malaysia (along with the food) is the extreme DIVERSITY of its citizens. Just walk down any street in K.L., and you'll see all different faces in every different color, with each person uniquely identifying themselves as Malaysian. I say "uniquely" because no two people in this country have the same blood - it's all mixed (mostly with some combination of ethnic Malay, Chinese, and/or Indian!) This video will explain a little bit more about Malaysia’s spectacular diversity. Stay tuned over the next 3 days as I rediscover Kuala Lumpur's lifestyle, sites, cuisine and people -- I can't wait to show you what's next! And THANK YOU to everyone who came to my meet up. That was amazing. Have you ever been to Malaysia? Music: Epidemic Sound ► SUBSCRIBE for daily travel videos: ► Are you on Instagram? Join me @drewbinsky! ► Travel Blog: Want $30 off your next hotel booking? Use this link: ... (You will get $30 credited to your account immediately after your stay. You're Welcome!) ESSENTIAL GEAR (these are affiliate links, meaning I make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Your purchase helps me continue making these videos!) ► Panasonic Lumix GH5 (main camera): ► DJI Spark (drone): ► Go Pro Hero Session 5: ► MacBook Pro 15'': ► 2TB Lacie External Hardrive: ► JOBY Gorilla Tripod: ► Osprey 46L Backpack: FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ►Facebook @drewbinsky:   / drewbinsky   (I post daily videos there too!) ►Instagram @drewbinsky:   / drewbinsky   ►Snapchat @drewbinsky ►Twitter @drewbinsky:   / drewbinsky   MORE ABOUT ME: CONTACT ME: drew (at) drewbinsky (dot) com
