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Did Walz Abandon his Military Unit?!?! 4 месяца назад

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Did Walz Abandon his Military Unit?!?!

Go to or scan the QR code and use code ANGRYCOPS to get your free FÜM Topper when you order your Journey Pack today Join me at the KIA Memorial Ruck March - Want it uncensored? Check Out PepperBox TV with me and all the other Uncivilized Youtubers Support the Channel Here! Merch, Streaming Chanel & Patreon @ : What? You wanna send stuff to me!? Angry Cops PO Box 1153 Buffalo NY 14201 Vice president harris's campaign made an announcement that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz would be her VP pick for the upcoming presidential election. Just like every other pick, immediately people began coming out of the woodwork to make accusations. I broke down an accusation revolving around his military service. sources: chapters 00:00 Intro 01:40 fum 02:43 Walz Service 09:23 What is the Issue 13:25 Meat and Potatoes The views expressed on this page or any derivative therefrom are those of myself and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or U.S. Government. ~ A.C.
