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Скачать с ютуб Ron Kenoly - Jesus is Alive/Yes Lord, I Believe (Live) в хорошем качестве

Ron Kenoly - Jesus is Alive/Yes Lord, I Believe (Live) 6 лет назад

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Ron Kenoly - Jesus is Alive/Yes Lord, I Believe (Live)

Official video for Ron Kenoly 'Jesus Is Alive / Yes Lord I Believe' 👉Subscribe to the Our Youtube Channel: Ron Kenoly - Jesus is Alive/Yes Lord, I Believe (Live) Album: God is Able Written by: Jesus is Alive: Ron Kenoly © 1987 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP Yes Lord, Yes Lord I believe Yes Lord I believe You're alive in me I'm gonna shout aloud To the Rock The Rock of my salvation Yes Lord Yes Lord I believe I believe the tomb is empty 'Cause I know my heart is full Of the glory and the wonder Of Your Name I believe the power That raised You Is alive in me right now And the joy within my heart Can't be contained Yes Lord, Yes Lord I believe Yes Lord I believe You're alive in me I'm gonna shout aloud To the rock The rock of my salvation Yes Lord Yes Lord, Yes Lord Yes Lord, Yes Lord Yes Lord I believe Yes Lord I'm gonna shout Aloud to the Rock The Rock of my salvation Yes Lord, Yes Lord Yes Lord, Yes Lord Yes Lord Yes Lord I believe Subscribe to the Integrity Music Youtube Channel: For chords and song resources visit: Add us as a friend on YouTube: Yes Lord, I Believe: Paul Baloche and Ed Kerr © 1994 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP
