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Скачать с ютуб SAVORY CHRISTMAS TREE: the PUFF PASTRY recipe perfect to celebrate your holidays! 🎄 в хорошем качестве

SAVORY CHRISTMAS TREE: the PUFF PASTRY recipe perfect to celebrate your holidays! 🎄 2 дня назад

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SAVORY CHRISTMAS TREE: the PUFF PASTRY recipe perfect to celebrate your holidays! 🎄

INGREDIENTS 2 rolls of puff pastry 220g of cooked ham 2 egg yolks for brushing METHOD 1. Unroll the first puff pastry on a working surface and place the cooked ham to shape the Christmas tree. 2. Place the other roll of puff pastry on top and press well on all sides. With the knife, make the cuts from the top of the tree to the base, carving the sides and then the bottom. 3. Make the branches of the tree by cutting strips on the right and left, taking care to leave the center (about 1-2cm). 4. Continue in this way until the end of the tree and once the branches are finished, proceed to twist each branch. 5. Brush the Christmas tree with the egg and transfer it to the oven. Bake at 200°C/392°F for 30 minutes. 6. Serve the Christmas tree on a cutting board and enjoy.   About us: ‘Cookist’ offers you everyday fresh, fun and easy recipes. You can find the best quick and easy to make recipes, simple meal planning ideas and cooking techniques. Subscribe to Cookist: Enjoy with us: Follow us: Facebook:   / cookistwow   Instagram:   / cookistwow   For any content use please feel free to contact [email protected]
