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Скачать с ютуб Ultimate SHOWDOWN! - Fixed Spool V Multiplier- Whats the BEST reel for Beach Sea fishing U.K в хорошем качестве

Ultimate SHOWDOWN! - Fixed Spool V Multiplier- Whats the BEST reel for Beach Sea fishing U.K 22 часа назад

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Ultimate SHOWDOWN! - Fixed Spool V Multiplier- Whats the BEST reel for Beach Sea fishing U.K

Ultimate Showdown ! What are you going to spend your hard earned cash on... Fixed Spool or a multiplier reel? In todays video we have a clear winner but there are still pros and cons for both as we head for the beach to pretty much geek out . Im joined by a casting instructor too and we get a master class in casting. (I keep rewinding Brians cast) There are lots of ways you can get more value from the channel here; TACKLE I RECOMMEND MY SEA FISHING DIARY -EMAIL LIST - i recommend for online orders and help. Brian Pask is the Sea Angling coach here - Thank you for taking an interest in this video your comment is always welcome.
