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Aerial views: A detailed look at Lord Nelson's HMS Victory - Daily Mail 6 лет назад

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Aerial views: A detailed look at Lord Nelson's HMS Victory - Daily Mail

She was the blacksmith’s daughter whose seductive charm and stunning looks captured Lord Nelson’s heart. But any hopes Emma Hamilton harboured of being equally adored by the public were dashed after Nelson was killed at the Battle of Trafalgar. Now a previously unpublished letter written by Hamilton reveals the extent of her despair at being pursued by creditors and forced to flee to France to avoid prison. As Nelson lay fatally injured aboard his flagship having won a famous victory against the French, he whispered: ‘Look after Lady Hamilton.’ However, his dying wishes were ignored. Experts believe she was smeared because the mood in Britain was to see Nelson as a national hero – and his adulterous relationship with Hamilton could not be tolerated. In her letter, which last week went on public display for the first time at a major exhibition on her life, Hamilton rages: ‘Who wou’d vegetate in fog and vapour when they can live cheaper and better and breathe pure air in another country. England has never done anything for me.’ Original Article: Original Video: Daily Mail Facebook:   / dailymail   Daily Mail IG:   / dailymail   Daily Mail Snap:   / 8392137033   Daily Mail Twitter:   / mailonline   Daily Mail Pinterest: Daily Mail Google+: Get the free Daily Mail mobile app:
