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Simrad | Coastal Powerboating System 3 года назад

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Simrad | Coastal Powerboating System

At Simrad we offer a comprehensive portfolio of precision technology solutions for a complete experience: our SolarMAX™ IPS high-definition displays and multi-touch technology, delivering the perfect hybrid of touchscreen and conventional all-weather controls; an extensive range of Simrad modules and accessories to expand your system - advanced charting, sonar and radio technology, legendary HALO® Radar for increased situational awareness or as a powerful bird-finder, and automated control with fully integrated Simrad® autopilot. With multi-display systems linking all your onboard electronics and real-time data at your fingertips, we have the right technology for you. Visit our Website for more information: Please comment if you have any questions or suggestions! There's a lot more great Simrad content on our other channels. Click and follow, like or subscribe to stay updated with all the latest Simrad news and stories. Go to the Website for more information: Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:    / simradyachting   Like us on Facebook:   / simradyachting   Follow us on Instagram:   / simradyachting   Follow us on LinkedIn:   / simrad-pro   #Simrad #TeamSimrad
