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Baby Beaver Gets A Friend! 2 года назад

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Baby Beaver Gets A Friend!

The first 1,000 people to use this link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: Piya the baby beaver moves to her new home and finds what she's always wanted, a beaver friend! Our Video Sponsors: Charles Fromm Andrew Lehmann Anton Briefer Josephine McCauley Ill Gotten Games Samantha Hershauer Celeste Phoebe Keith Lilla Kovacs Maria Martinez Erin, Evi, and Mike Courtney Biddle Tiffinee Tramel Mengfei Liu Theresa Kolodziej Michael Petzold Eric Wenocur_Kim Keller Melanie Reif Nicole Hands Erin Radcliffe Lauren Clement Allison Reinheimer Moore E Andrew Strickland Cheryl Rockett Ari F Thank you so much for helping make these videos possible! If you'd like your name here or featured at the end of an episode, you can become a sponsor at   / animalwonders   -- Looking for more awesome animal stuff? Subscribe to Animal Wonders Montana to see all of our videos! Youtube:    / anmlwndrs   Other places to find us: Website: Patreon:   / animalwonders   Instagram:   / animalwondersmontana   Facebook:   / animalwonders   Twitter:   / animal_wonders   Amazon Wishlist:   / animal_wonders   Amazon Wishlist:
