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《光州錄影帶:消失的四小時》 Gwangju Video: The Missing|2023臺灣國際人權影展 1 год назад

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《光州錄影帶:消失的四小時》 Gwangju Video: The Missing|2023臺灣國際人權影展

《光州錄影帶:消失的四小時》 Gwangju Video: The Missing #線上影展 李釣熏 LEE Jo-hoon 韓國 South Korea|2020|Colour|82min 1980年5月21日,光州民主化運動最血腥的一天。武力鎮壓之下,坦克槍砲塗炭生靈,國際媒體與在地記者想盡辦法記錄下這一切。然而,發生無差別血洗、傷亡逾百人的關鍵四個小時,卻從未留下任何攝錄影檔案。這宗韓國重大的歷史創傷距今已逾40載,最慘絕人寰的一刻卻因為沒有證據而彷彿未曾發生過一樣。 本片導演展開地毯式調查,按圖索驥尋找被消失的四小時。從訪談目擊證人、出土第一手影像資料,也提及當年震撼國人的民間流傳錄影帶《喔!光州》(Oh! Gwangju),還原其手工製作、祕密運送過程到公眾放映等流通軌跡。噤聲時代下的民眾克服萬難爭取知情權,一再證明紀錄影像的力量,也體現出影像技術的演進史。事件當下的拍或不拍、影像的公開與否,突顯出個人行為與國家檔案的政治性。看見與看不見的,都在口述和言傳逐漸消散之下,形成一場記憶與時間的競逐。 The “Gwangju Video” was a secretly produced compilation of foreign news footage aimed at spreading the truth about the brutal military crackdown of democracy protests in Gwangju on May 18, 1980. The stories of those who created and disseminated the video are revealed for the first time, as well as the search for the missing four hours at the site of the mass shooting. We shall rewind the record of history and revisit the memories of that era. ◮ 參展紀錄 ◮ 導演簡介 李釣熏 韓國導演,1973年生,拍攝過許多有關勞工、社會和歷史問題的紀錄片。在光州度過童年,近年來針對光州事件展開的創作除了《光州錄影帶:消失的四小時》(2020),亦有其首部劇情長片《Songam-dong》(2023)。 LEE Jo-hoon was born in 1973. For more 20 years, he produced documentaries on labor, social and historical issues, uncovering truths hidden from histiory. His 2014 documentary Black Deal (2014) deeply explored the policy of privatizing public goods. In 2018, Land of Sorrow accused the PARK Chung-hee administration of state violence and human rights abuses buried for the past 57 years, leading to victim compensation legislation. As a Gwangju-born filmmaker who lived through the 1980 Gwangju Uprising, he has directed two films about the incident, Gwangju Video: The Missing (2020) and Songam-dong (2023). ⸬ 2023 臺灣國際人權影展 Taiwan International Human Rights Film Festival ⸬ ⟡ 臺北影展|𝟬𝟵.𝟮𝟮 - 𝟬𝟵.𝟮𝟰 ⟡ 高雄影展|𝟬𝟵.𝟮𝟵 - 𝟭𝟬.𝟬𝟭 ⟡ 線上影展|𝟭𝟬.𝟬𝟯 - 𝟭𝟬.𝟭𝟳 ⟡ 聚落串聯|𝟭𝟬.𝟮𝟬 - 𝟭𝟭.𝟮𝟵 ▪ 官方網站 Official Website: ▪ Facebook: ▪ Instagram:
