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Скачать с ютуб PABLO 'Blessed', 'Tambol (Ibang Planeta)' & 'Micha!' Official Lyric Video | Kpop BEAT Reacts в хорошем качестве

PABLO 'Blessed', 'Tambol (Ibang Planeta)' & 'Micha!' Official Lyric Video | Kpop BEAT Reacts 10 дней назад

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PABLO 'Blessed', 'Tambol (Ibang Planeta)' & 'Micha!' Official Lyric Video | Kpop BEAT Reacts

AJ and Tanya finish up the Pablo album reactions with Blessed, Tambol (Ibang Planeta), and Micha! from the LAON album. We are so thankful for all this music from Pablo. We've enjoyed every second of both albums, LAON and ALON. If you liked this video, click the like button, and don't forget to subscribe. Turn on notifications so you won't miss any of our reactions or lives. Support the original: Micha    • PABLO 'Micha!' Official Lyric Video   Tambol    • PABLO 'Tambol (Ibang Planeta)' Offici...   Blessed:    • PABLO 'Blessed' Official Lyric Video   Also, check out our social links below and join us on our Discord! Thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one. Bye! 💜 Follow Kpop BEAT: TikTok:   / kpopbeatreacts   Discord:   / discord   Instagram:   / kpopbeatreacts   💜 Follow AJ: X: Instagram:   / aj_ns7   TikTok:   / aj_ns7   Twitch:   / aj_ns   YouTube:   / @aj_ns7   💜Follow Tanya: X: TikTok:   / tata.o4   YouTube:    / @okatata6087   #kpopbeat #kpopbeatreacts #pablo #sb19pablo
