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Followed: Filipe Mota

Join our day with Filipe in Los Angeles as we get a home tour of the house he just moved into, talk about all sorts of stuff before checking out a street spot that got rained out (yes, rain in LA!), and end our day at the Primitive park where Filipe and Kyo set themselves up for a challenge. Enjoy. Also featuring Kyonosuke Yamashita, Rayssa Leal, Lui Elliott, Giovanni Vianna and many more. Filmed by Luke Lutz Edited by Dominik Schneider 0:00 At Home 8:47 First Spot 11:21 Acai Spot 12:22 Primitive Park Get our books & apparel collection here: Feel free to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram:   / pocketskatemag   Our Website:
