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MODULAR BATTLE BOARDS - Wargaming terrain

Welcome Adventurers! Welcome to The Craftsman's Guide to Battle Boards. These modular landscapes can replace your go-to grids for wargaming terrain by adding a 3D, detailed element that will make any table pop. This is my first video! I'd love it if you would consider subscribing and leaving a like and/or comment to let me know what you're wanting to see more of. If you want to help support my work and make my workshop grow, consider taking a look into my Patreon: To see more, follow my socials: Follow me for more content over on:   / thecraftsmansguide     / thecraftsmansguide   Contact me through email: [email protected] Here's the links you might need: Home-made flocking    • How to Make HIGH-QUALITY Grass Flocki...   Wooland scenics flocking: Stone texturing    • Better Stone Painting - Advanced Tech...  
