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"Lunar Threat" an Orchestral Cue by Steve Berry 3 года назад

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"Lunar Threat" an Orchestral Cue by Steve Berry

This orchestral cue was written as part of my Masters Degree in Film Scoring I am studying through Berklee Online out of Boston, USA. It is performed by the Budapest Scoring Orchestra. The cue was written to a provided script involving a a space flight squadron captain and heroine Jane , battling it out with hostile aliens who have set up a base on the moon. The first 30 seconds of the cue underscores the space battle, with Jane’s ship trying to dodge a volley of fire from the moon base, and then vanquishing the aliens. The remainder of the cue underscore’s Jane’s heroic return to Earth, where she takes a lap of honour around the planet, receiving medals of honour from Earth’s leaders and taking her place in history. The cue ends with a zoom out from earth, which becomes a mere speck in the vastness of space as the music concludes.
