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ByDZyne Travel Voucher Incentive 5 лет назад

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ByDZyne Travel Voucher Incentive

Watch this 20 minute video to start your research:    • ByDZyne Opportunity - 20minutes  . Get back to us afterwards on Facebook. Paraphrased text from video: We are giving away 10 travel discount vouchers as incentives. Six of these vouchers are worth USD500 each, and four of them are worth USD1000 each. If you like to travel, and you would like to get a better accommodation price, this is for you. Here’s how the vouchers work: Just like the big sites, retail prices from multiple sources are compared for where you want to stay, and then the discount applies to the difference between the cheapest retail price and their wholesale price. Of course, the more traffic they can funnel through their site, the more they can discount. We might give it away but it’s not free. We are looking for new brand ambassadors for our online business, which is currently still in its pre-launch phase. So you have to research our company, and decide whether you are willing to work consistently, for the next year or so, to generate your own side income. You can message us with your questions, we’ll be happy to assist. If you’re like me, you’ll want to do your research for a few days. Great, but others might just jump on board. Don’t miss out, first come, first served. I am looking at our tree now, and I’ve taken a screenshot of the brand ambassadors we’ve enrolled personally as of 19 July 2019. The next 10 people that think they can make a success out of this and join as brand ambassadors get the vouchers. Once the 10 vouchers are gone that’s it. There is some fine print as well. You have exactly 30 days from today to register your travel vouchers, and then 12 months thereafter to use them. Whatever you don’t use, expires. The second bit of fine print is that if you join as a brand ambassador for ~USD300, you get a USD500 travel voucher. You can research what a promo pack or a founder’s pack is, if you do that, it’s a USD1000 travel voucher.
