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What are your Salary Expectations | Best Answer (from former CEO)

From a former CEO. The best answer to the job interview question "what are your salary expectations". This is the best way I've ever seen to answer the salary expectations interview question. I also give a sample example answer to this question. On my channel, I explore all the common job interview and employment questions, including salary negotiation, what is your expected compensation, pay expectations, and salary requirements on a webform. Please see the other videos in my "Get Hired" playlist for more tips. **My GET HIRED Course** https://the-companies-expert-academy.... (More Details:    • Details on my *Get Hired* course  ) **My $100 MBA Course** https://thecompaniesexpertacademy.thi... (More Details:    • Self Improvement:  How My $100 MBA Co...  ) **My WRITE LIKE A PROFESSIONAL Course** (More Details:    • CEO Shares his Tips:  How my *WRITE L...  ) My GET HIRED Series of Videos:    • Get Hired   My Other YouTube Channel (The Companies Expert 2):    / @thecompaniesexpert2   Support me on Patreon:   / thecompaniesexpert   My Facebook Page: My "GET HIRED" Facebook Group:   / gethiredthecompaniesexpert   My "ENTREPRENEUR SUCCESS" Facebook Group:   / 2477916579200306   #jobinterview #jobinterviewquestions #interviewquestionsandanswers (Please note: I own the copyright to all music contained in this video, and can provide verification upon request.)
