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I Renovated My Villagers' Homes in Animal Crossing

for the first time in a very long time, this is a speedbuild woooo. I renovated four of my villagers' home because THEY WERE UGLY!!! (and yes I was the one who designed their original homes SHHH) SECOND CHANNEL:    / coconutvis   TWITTER:   / angrycoconutt   INSTAGRAM:   / angry.coconut   cardboard box room inspo by torinokoisle:   / cxvaifejve9   TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 - MELBA 11:00 - TEDDY 23:52 - AGNES 32:22 - WOLFGANG 45:38 - The rest of the video lol CODES USED: ~ wooden deck, white newspaper, tatami mat, blue tiles, dirt trails and stepping stones by origo_ali: MA-0989-6964-3773 ~ cardboard box, worn out newspaper, cement walls, crosswalk, tiles: MA-7414-4688-6996   / origo_ali   ~ the path by tobimorieko: MA-9488-1972-2446   / tobimorieko   ~ mossy tiles by graefromtrippyland: MA-1883-2050-2511   / graefromtrippyland   ~ Dirt Crack by Neko Falls: MA-4933-9023-8605   / nekofalls   if ur reading this, comment "BEEF" (you won't get anything in return except for my approval) #animalcrossing #acnh #newhorizons sub count: 107,628
