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Clash Royale League: CRL West 2019 | Week 2 Day 3! (English) Трансляция закончилась 5 лет назад

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Clash Royale League: CRL West 2019 | Week 2 Day 3! (English)

The Clash Royale League is BACK! Tune in to the CRL West 2019 broadcast featuring the best teams battling for supremacy in the West every Wednesday at 5PM PT & Saturday/Sunday at 10AM PT! #CRLWest #CRL #ClashRoyaleLeague FOLLOW US ON: Twitter:   / esportsroyaleen   Twitter (ES):   / esportsroyalees   Twitter (BR):   / esportsroyalebr   Instagram:   / esportsroyale   CRL Website: ABOUT THE CLASH ROYALE LEAGUE: The Clash Royale League (CRL) is Supercell’s official team-based esports league, featuring the best Clash Royale teams and players. With divisions in the West (North America, Latin America, Europe), Asia & Mainland China, the CRL aims to give players & spectators the most exciting & entertaining competition in the world.
