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Skagen Falster 3 Review: The Classy Way To Wear OS 4 года назад

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Skagen Falster 3 Review: The Classy Way To Wear OS

The Skagen Falster 3 is an intoxicating blend of Danish minimalism and a splash of well-placed excess. Like the Falster 2 before it, it's the most fetching Wear OS smartwatch of its generation – and when you toss in Fossil's custom battery-saving and voice call mods, it may well be the best Wear OS watch of 2020 so far. But how many updates does Wear OS need until the Falster 3 can be considered a legitimately great smartwatch at $295? Let's see how much of that question we can answer in the Skagen Falster 3 Review! [SUBSCRIBE TO MRMOBILE] [ABOUT MRMOBILE'S SKAGEN FALSTER 3 REVIEW] MrMobile's Skagen Falster 3 Review was produced following two months with a Skagen Falster 3 review device provided by The Fossil Group. The device was paired with a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip for the majority of the test period. It received several software updates during the review period. MrMobile does not produce paid reviews; no company paid a fee or otherwise offered compensation in exchange for this coverage, and no company was offered copy approval or an early preview of this content. [LINKS] Skagen Falster 3 [Amazon]: Wear OS now periodically reminds you to wash your hands [Android Central]: [SOCIALIZE]   / themrmobile     / themrmobile     / themrmobile [DISCLOSURES] This post may contain affiliate links, which afford MrMobile / Future plc a commission if you make a purchase. See our affiliate link policy for more details: Additional information concerning MrMobile’s ethics policy can be found here: #fossil #skagen #falster3 #smartwatch #wearos #wearabletech #wearable #wristwatch #watch
