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Скачать с ютуб The Autozam AZ-1 Is a Ridiculous, Tiny, Surprisingly Fun Sports Car в хорошем качестве

The Autozam AZ-1 Is a Ridiculous, Tiny, Surprisingly Fun Sports Car 3 года назад

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The Autozam AZ-1 Is a Ridiculous, Tiny, Surprisingly Fun Sports Car

CHECK OUT THIS AUTOZAM AZ-1 FOR SALE ON CARS & BIDS! Autozam AZ-1 review! The Autozam AZ-1 is a crazy vehicle -- a tiny, mid-engine sports car with gullwing doors. It's ridiculous and very small, but also surprisingly fun -- and today, I'm reviewing it! I'll show you all the quirks and features of the AZ-1, and I'm also going to drive the AZ-1 and show you what it's like on the road! WEBSITE & MERCH! FOLLOW ME! Twitter -   / dougdemuro   Instagram -   / dougdemuro   Facebook -   / ddemuro   DOUGSCORE CHART:
