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Скачать с ютуб Seiko SKX009 Up close and on-wrist review в хорошем качестве

Seiko SKX009 Up close and on-wrist review 9 лет назад

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Seiko SKX009 Up close and on-wrist review

The skx009 and skx175 are automatic self-winding diving style watches made by Seiko. Featuring an oyster bracelet from WJean. Here are 2 very important things to understand about all Seiko low to mid-price automatic diving watches. 1) Because it is an automatic/mechanical watch, it never needs a battery, and it also will stop running if you don't wear it for about 48 hours. So if you take off your watch after work on Friday, and don't wear it over the weekend, you will need to reset it on Monday. Some people don't mind this, but for others it is a burden. 2) Again because it is mechanically driven, the accuracy of these watches isn't too great right out of the box. Expect a gain or loss of up to 30 seconds per day. These Seiko Automatic diving watches can be "regulated" or adjusted to fix the deviation in accuracy, you can do it yourself with basic watch tools, or take it to a jeweler. I adjusted my SKX009 and SKX173 from +20 seconds per day down to +/-2 seconds per day, so with a little bit of effort these watches can be made to function pretty accurately, but don't expect great performance right out of the box.
