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Anthology Books: Are They Useful for Writers? | The Heidi Thorne Show | Episode 188 3 года назад

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Anthology Books: Are They Useful for Writers? | The Heidi Thorne Show | Episode 188

Anthology books are collections of writings that showcase the work of multiple authors. But are they useful for building one's writing resume? I discuss the pros and cons. 0:00 Start 0:17 Does participating in an anthology lead to bigger and better things? 0:43 What is an anthology book? 3:51 Why would writers want to be in an anthology book? 7:08 The association effect of anthologies 9:11 Who are you marketing when you're in an anthology? 10:55 Does participating in an anthology help you get book deals? 12:36 Tips for successfully participating in an anthology 15:57 Games you shouldn't play with anthologies 18:25 One type of anthology that could work for you 19:12 How to connect with Heidi Blog: Anthology Books: What are They and How Can Writers Use Them? Anthology Books: How Valuable are They for Authors? To listen to the audio podcast of The Heidi Thorne Show, visit OR subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Amazon Music, or Amazon TuneIn Radio. This is Episode 188. #authortube #bookwriting #author #writing #writer
