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Life After Enlarged Prostate Surgery

Enlarged Prostate Surgery is a surgical procedure in which surgeons remove the excess prostate tissue through the urethra. The total recovery time is 2 months. Wear loose-fitting clothing such as sweatpants or other pants with elastic waistbands. You may require to wear an adult urinary pad until you regain normal urinary control. Some men regain urinary control in a week while others may take 2 months. You will be able to return to work after 3 weeks. Avoid driving until you're no longer taking pain medications, which is usually 2 to 3 weeks. Avoid sitting in one position for more than 45 minutes. Wait 4 to 6 weeks to start having sex. Refrain from strenuous activity, such as running, heavy lifting, bicycling, horseback riding, or golf for 4 to 6 weeks. For treatment assistance in your country or abroad: Email: [email protected] Phone/WhatsApp/Viber: +91-9650001746 Website: Vaidam is an ISO and NABH accredited medical assistance company. Patients from 100+ countries have used our services. Useful Links: India Doctors: Hospitals: Cost of Enlarged Prostate Surgery: Turkey Doctors: Hospitals:
