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IGCSE Biology - Excretion in humans (13.1)

🎓 IGCSE Biology - The Complete Course - 🎓 IGCSE Chemistry -   / igbiocomplete   ☕️ Buy me a coffee - Cambridge IGCSE Biology (0610/0970) Chapter 13 - Excretion in humans Topic 13.1 - Excretion in humans For exams in 2023, 2024 & 2025 (core and extended) As always this video follows the Cambridge syllabus exactly and contains absolutely everything you need to know for your final exam! My other channels: ‪@igpecomplete‬Cambridge IGCSE PE ‪@ocrpecomplete‬OCR GCSE PE Timestamps: 0:00 Contents 0:35 Excretion 0:55 Lungs 1:10 Kidneys 1:36 Kidney structure and function (extended) 2:51 Liver (extended) Core content: State that carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs. State that the kidneys excrete urea and excess water and ions. Identify in diagrams and images the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Extended content: Identify in diagrams and images the structure of the kidney, limited to the cortex and medulla. Outline the structure and function of a nephron and its associated blood vessels, limited to: (a) the role of the glomerulus in the filtration from the blood of water, glucose, urea and ions, (b) the role of the nephron in the reabsorption of all of the glucose, some of the ions and most of the water back into the blood, (c) the formation of urine containing urea, excess water and excess ions (details of these processes are not required). Describe the role of the liver in the assimilation of amino acids by converting them to proteins. State that urea is formed in the liver from excess amino acids. Describe deamination as the removal of the nitrogen-containing part of amino acids to form urea. Explain the importance of excretion, limited to toxicity of urea.
