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I Tried Eating Everything At The Minnesota State Fair 3 месяца назад

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I Tried Eating Everything At The Minnesota State Fair

Thank you Helix Sleep for sponsoring! Helix is offering an exclusive discount this month: 27% off your mattress purchase. Visit and use promo code HELIXPARTNER27 to take advantage of this special offer. If you miss this limited time offer, you can still get 20% off using my link! Offers subject to change. #helixsleep The Minnesota State Fair is the largest state fair in the whole country by daily attendance, and the main draw for most people is the food. My wife's cousin's husband asked me to make a a video where I tried to eat everything there like 3 years ago, so this one's for you, Mike. MERCH INSTAGRAM   / scottcramerslife   TWITTER   / scottstol   PATREON   / scottstol   SECOND CHANNEL    / @scottisstruggling   0:00 Eating Everything At the State Fair 8:25 Sponsor 10:14 Still Eating Everything
