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Скачать с ютуб 坪林金瓜寮溪,魚超多,超親切,就在你面前的水中游來游去 (Jingualiao Stream) в хорошем качестве

坪林金瓜寮溪,魚超多,超親切,就在你面前的水中游來游去 (Jingualiao Stream) 4 года назад

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坪林金瓜寮溪,魚超多,超親切,就在你面前的水中游來游去 (Jingualiao Stream)

坪林金瓜寮魚蕨步道,沿著金瓜寮溪的溪岸,有多個步道出入口連接金瓜寮產業道路,從步道下行,短短幾分鐘,就可以抵達金瓜寮溪溪邊。 金瓜寮溪實施封溪護魚多年,溪裡的魚群超多的,而且不怕人,你可以很近距離的觀看魚兒水中游。金瓜寮溪的主要魚群包括:台灣馬口魚、台灣石(魚賓)、台灣鏟頜魚等。這是一處很適合夏日戲水消暑的郊遊路線。 The Pinglin's Jingualiao Fish & Fern Trail, along the banks of Jingualiao Stream, there are multiple trail entrances and exits connecting to Jingualiao Rural Road, and going down from the trail entrance , you can reach the valley of Jingualiao Stream by just a few minutes. Jingualiao Stream has been forbidden fishing for many years. There are many fish in the stream, and they are not afraid of tourists. You can watch fish swimming in close distance. The main fish populations of Jingualiao River include: Candidia barbata, Acrossocheilus paradoxus, Onychostoma barbatulum, etc. This is an outing route that is very suitable for playing with water in summer. 本次行程的交通資訊,請參考以下Google地圖網址連結: (Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic informatin ) 【路程時間參考】(Walking reference time) 金瓜寮魚蕨步道(第一段):全長1065公尺,北側入口位於金瓜寮產業道路里程約5.5K附近。 Jingualiao Fish & Fern Trail (the first section): a total length of 1065 meters, the north entrance is located near mileage 5.5K of Jingualiao Rural Road. 金瓜寮魚蕨步道(第二段):全長1074公尺。走完第一段魚蕨步道,從南側出口續行約50公尺,即可銜接第二段步道。 步道沿途有猴橋、斷層瀑布、月牙灣等景觀。 Jingualiao Fish & Fern Trail (the second section): 1074 meters in total length. After walking the first section of the Fish & Fern Trail, continue for about 50 meters from the south exit to connect the entrance of the second section of the trail. There are Monkey Bridge, Duanceng Waterfall and other landscapes along the trail. 第二段步道沿途有5個出入口,銜接金瓜寮產業道路,出入非常便利,步道入口更接近溪流。 若有老年人或幼童同行,建議可以選擇只走第二段魚蕨步道。其中第3或4出口,距離溪谷最近。 There are 5 entrances and exits along the second section of the trail, connecting Jingualiao Rural, so it's very convenient to visit the trail. The trail entrance of the second section is closer to the stream. If there are elderly or young children traveling with you, it is recommended that you can just walking the second section of the Jinguanliao Fish & Fern Trail. Exit 3 or 4 is the closest trail entrance to the valley. 步道全長約2.2公里,第一段步行時間約50分鐘(含休息),第二段步行時間亦約50分鐘(含休息)。 The total length of the trail is about 2.2 kilometers, the walking time of first section is about 50 minutes (including rest), and the walking time of second section is also about 50 minutes(including rest) . 【公廁資訊】(Lavatory Information) 第二段入口附近公車站牌旁設有公共廁所。 There is a public toilet next to the bus stop near the second section entrance. 【交通資訊】(Traffic Information) ★大眾運輸:從捷運新店站搭乘公車923(經高速公路)、綠12(經北宜公路)至坪林站。然後轉乘F722、F723巴士(坪林國中)至「蕨類步道」站。 ★自行開車:Google地圖衛星導航輸入「金瓜寮魚蕨步道」,即可導航至魚蕨步道第二段的入口。續行沿途還有五個出入口,若想純粹在溪邊戲水,建議可從「第三或第四出口」進入魚蕨步道。 ★Public Transportation: Take bus 923 (via expressway) and Green 12 (via Beiyi Highway) from Xindian Station of MRT to Pinglin Stop.Then transfer to F722 and F723 buses (Pinglin Junior High School) to the "Fern Trail" stop. ★ Driving on your own: Google Maps satellite navigation enter "Jinqualiao Fish & Fern Trail" to reach the trail entrance of the second section of Jingauliao Fish & Fern Trail. There are five entrances and exits along the way of the second section . If you want to just play in the water by the stream, it is recommended to enter the trail from the Exit 3 or Exit 4 of the trail. 【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading) ★Tony的自然人文旅記第1287篇 -2017.09.26 金瓜寮魚蕨步道 魚蕨步道第一段旅行影片    • 金瓜寮魚蕨步道(第一段)[新北市坪林區]   魚蕨步道第二段旅行影片    • 金瓜寮魚蕨步道(第二段)[新北市坪林區]   ★Tony的自然人文旅記第0760篇 -2010.03.14 金瓜寮溪觀魚蕨類步道 ★Tony的自然人文旅記第0713篇 -2009.06.26 金瓜寮溪觀魚蕨類步道 ★Tony的自然人文旅記第0272篇 -2005.07.04 金瓜寮溪 ★更多的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類): 【本次旅行GPX軌跡檔案下載】(GPX track file download for this trip) 【影片製作相關設備及軟體】(Video production related equipment and software) Gopro Hero 8 運動型攝影機 (攝影) iPhone XS 智慧型手機 (輔助攝影) Relive app 3D GPS足跡 (行程記錄) Power Director 15 威力導演 ( 剪接/字幕) YouTube音效庫 (音樂) PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖) Google Map (交通地圖)
