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Скачать с ютуб Killing Ordos without Pandaria Cloak (no Goblin Glider) FIXED в хорошем качестве

Killing Ordos without Pandaria Cloak (no Goblin Glider) FIXED 3 года назад

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Killing Ordos without Pandaria Cloak (no Goblin Glider) FIXED

It's pretty easy to glitch into Ordon's Sanctuary, though the benefits of doing so are questionable. Killing Ordos without the Pandaria cloak achievement will net you no reward or achievement, just bragging rights. 1) It's best to do this with a class with a disengage-like ability (Hunter, Druid, DH, etc.). You can also use a toy or something to provide the momentum needed, but it's honestly not worth it. 2) The Crane Statue will no longer throw you up into the air if you do the minigame associated with it, but as long as you don't do it, you can use the launch function as many times as needed. 3) Hypothetically, any ranged ability (damage or no damage) should allow you to get into combat, but I haven't tested out anything except Arcane Shot. 4) If you leave the area, you'll need to do the glitch again to get back in. While there's no point in killing Ordos w/o the cloak, accessing this area will allow easier farming for the Ash-Covered Horn toy (there is only one High Priest of Ordos outside the boundaries of that area vs the eight inside of it) as well as kill specific rares in that area.
