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St James Park Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia Are you ready for some charm and tranquility during your whirlwind London tour? Then step into St. James Park and leave the hustle and bustle of the big city behind you. This delightful public area was once the royal family’s private hunting ground, and it is now 58 acres of winding paths, ponds, and forest area. A St. James Park tour must include a stroll down the Mall, which connects the park to Buckingham Palace and the Admiralty Arch. The Arch, which is actually three arches contained in one imposing structure, was completed in 1912 in memory of Queen Victoria. From that point, you can walk directly to Trafalgar Square, which is also full of historic monuments and structures. You’re bound to get hungry or thirsty during your St. James Park sightseeing, so make sure you purchase a snack or beverage at one of the many stands and kiosks throughout the park. Don’t forget to stop at the Horse Guards Parade, where you can find several beautiful memorials. If you’re lucky, you may even witness one of the elaborate military ceremonies that occur here. A stroll through St. James Park is your chance for a quiet afternoon spent in a serene setting. During the summer, it’s the perfect place to stretch out on a grassy hill and catch some rays. Just remember to pack sunscreen! How will you spend your time in St. James Park? Visit our St. James Park travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on social media: Twitter:   / expedia   Facebook:   / expedia   Instagram:   / expedia   Pinterest:   / expedia   Google+: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
