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Grandma Magic Podcast, Episode 15: Mary Pipher 8 месяцев назад

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Grandma Magic Podcast, Episode 15: Mary Pipher

Mary Pipher, a seasoned clinical psychologist with a background in cultural anthropology, has dedicated her career to unraveling the intricate connections between culture and personality, particularly within the context of women in American society. From her seminal work, "Reviving Ophelia,” scrutinizing the challenges faced by adolescent girls, to the insightful exploration of women navigating the complexities of aging in "Women Rowing North,” Pipher's writings resonate with a broad audience. Drawing on her extensive interviews with hundreds of women, she imparts a wealth of wisdom that reflects the diverse experiences of the female journey. Pipher's influence extends beyond her books, as highlighted in her New York Times article, “Grandmothers of the World Unite!” where she passionately advocates for older women to wield their societal roles as catalysts for systemic change, a call to action rooted in her own environmental activism. Join us for the final episode of Season One of Grandma Magic to learn from Mary Pipher's life and work. To learn more about Mary's work visit Her memoir, a Life in Light, will be out in paperback on December 12th. You can pre-order at
