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(FREE) 6lack Type Beat - "Cry"

💰 Purchase (Untagged): ✌🏻 Subscribe for more beats: 📧 Contact me: [email protected] ▶ Usage Terms: • The free version of this beat can only be used for non-profitable, non-commercial projects and nothing besides that. This means YouTube or Soundcloud use with NO monetization. The free version of this beat is NOT available for streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, etc. Credit must be given in the title and in the description as following: (Prod. by Zane98). • If you want to make profit with your music (upload your song to streaming services for example), you must purchase a license that is suitable for yourself before releasing your song. Regardless if you've purchased a license or not, you can't register your song on BMI/ASCAP/WIPO/OMPI or any worldwide copyright organization or any other Content ID system unless you have acquired an Exclusive license. All tags are removed on purchase and beat is delivered to you instantly. ▶ Social Media: 🛒 Beatstore: (Buy 1 Get 1 FREE!) 📷 Instagram:   / zane98beats   📺 Spotify: 🔊 iTunes: 🎧 Soundcloud:   / zane_98   Cry - Prod. by Zane98 Video from - "Sabrina Claudio - Confidently Lost" (FREE) 6lack Type Beat - "Cry" 6lack Type beat 2022 6lack Instrumental 2022 #6lacktypebeat #typebeat #zane98
