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Скачать с ютуб SpiderWire Stealth Glow Vis Braid в хорошем качестве

SpiderWire Stealth Glow Vis Braid 10 лет назад

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SpiderWire Stealth Glow Vis Braid

Spiderwire Stealth Glow Vis features a unique UV reflective coating that appears to ‘glow’ in sunlight for better visibility, allowing you to track your line like never before. High visibility for the angler and low visibility to line shy fish. A line that has long been known as a quiet, smooth and sensitive braid, Spiderwire® Stealth™ Glow Vis is now even tougher. Whether the fishing calls for flicking hard bodies at snags, hopping plastics over structure or firing out long searching casts, Stealth is up to the challenge.
