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Trace Paul’s first missionary journey from the island of Cyprus to what is modern-day Turkey, and understand his challenge of telling the story of Jesus to a Gentile, Roman culture. _________________________________ ABOUT THE SERIES: Jesus transforms lives. One of the most radical transformations in the Bible was that of the apostle Paul, who went from an enemy of the faith to its great defender. This transformation intrigued New Testament scholar Con Campbell so much that he decided to trace Paul's life and missionary journeys from Jerusalem across the Mediterranean world to Rome. In this seven-part series, Con searches for answers to help him better understand Paul's personality and passion. Join Con on this travelogue-style adventure so you can better know Paul and the profound effect he had on Christianity. _________________________________ OTHER RESOURCES by Dr. Con Campbell Available on Amazon: "In Pursuit of Paul" DVD: https://amzn.to/3dMyh1h "In Pursuit of Peter" DVD: https://amzn.to/37p7y9Q Available through Our Daily Bread Publishing: (2-disc set of "In Pursuit of Paul" & "In Pursuit of Peter": https://ourdailybreadpublishing.org/k... Con guest hosts "In Christ" series on Discover the Word Podcast: https://discovertheword.org/series/in... SUPPORT THE MAKING OF FUTURE SERIES: https://donations.ourdailybread.org/i... FACEBOOK: / odbfilms INSTAGRAM: / ourdailybreadfilms