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Скачать с ютуб A selection of old K's played by bandleader, composer and master jazz drummer Jeff Ballard в хорошем качестве

A selection of old K's played by bandleader, composer and master jazz drummer Jeff Ballard 1 год назад

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A selection of old K's played by bandleader, composer and master jazz drummer Jeff Ballard

Recorded on 19 March 2019 in Switzerland Jeff Ballard was teaching at Jazzcampus Basel that day and was kind enough to drop by my place that evening. Jeff plays a selection of 12 old K's made in Istanbul, and a 20" Roberto Spizzichino I dedicated this video to the online-forum-community "CYMBALHOLIC.COM", which unfortunately was taken offline shortly afterwards Mics are 2 Neumann U87 Ai as overhead, no frequency corrections 1960's Gretsch Round Badge Black Diamond Pearl BD 14"x 18", Toms 8"x12" & 14"x14", Snare 5"x14" 8 lugs You can also see Swiss drummer Andreas Hoerni and me from time to time
