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Mamiya RZ67 | Ilford FP4 Plus | Medium Format Photography

Is the mamiya RZ67 any good for street photography? Jimmy & Eva go on a film photography photo walk by some lake in Sweden hoping to find interesting compositions. In this particular adventure Jimmy is using the Mamiya RZ67 medium format camera loaded with Ilford fp4 plus. In this video we will explore the usability of the Mamiya RZ67 as a walking around camera, and maybe do some not so ¨stealthy¨ medium format street photography which was ¨spoiler alert¨ quite impressive, of course we did not go unnoticed by literally everyone!! We did experience some issues with build in light meter but somehow all of the shot turned out fine except one, which was a miss-fire as you see in the video We really hope you like this film photography walk, please let us know by commenting, liking and subscribing and we will keep them coming! Love, Jimmy & Eva Follow us on Instagram:   / crunchyfingerschannel   Eva's Instagram:   / converging.lights   Jimmy's Instagram:   / jamiltokmaji   ----- Video filmed on Olympus OM-D EM10ii with a Zuiko 25mm 1.8. #shootfilm #photography #photowalk ##### MUSIC TRACK ##### kanari by Barradeen |   / barradeen   Music promoted by Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
