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Скачать с ютуб Cathay Pacific Business Class!! Is This The Best Airplane Food? в хорошем качестве

Cathay Pacific Business Class!! Is This The Best Airplane Food? 7 дней назад

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Cathay Pacific Business Class!! Is This The Best Airplane Food?

🇳🇿 Best Food in Auckland, New Zealand:    • 5 Must Eat Foods in New Zealand!! 🇳🇿 ...   👉 SUBSCRIBE for more:    / @markabroad   👕 T-shirts: NOTE: I personally paid for this Cathay Pacific Business Class flight in full. Today we’re flying from Bangkok to Hong Kong and on to Auckland, New Zealand on Cathay Pacific Airlines, Business Class. I’m going to show you the entire experience, and all the food along the way - from the lounges to the flights. We started off with a short flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong, and all went well. We then headed to the Cathay Pacific lounge in Hong Kong where I discovered a food court hidden where you can eat some amazing dan dan noodles and wonton noodles. The main flight from Hong Kong to Auckland was about 10 hours, and it all went well. The food was excellent, and the staff were great. I think Cathay Pacific is one of the best airlines for food and service. Welcome to New Zealand! Follow on Social Media: ►Facebook:   / markwiensfoodvideos   ►Instagram:   / migrationology   ►Tiktok:   / markwiens   👕 T-shirts: 🌶 Ghost Chili: 🎥 Camera gear I use: (some of these are affiliate links and I will make a small commission from any sales)
