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Akwukwo n'atu uto | SATB | Arr. Innocent Okechukwu

This is a Nigerian-Igbo folk song that suffices to inspire children on the need to achieve academic excellence. I felt a need to put it in choral form. Use the link below to download the score. piano piece,innocent okechukwu,music,music score,musical echoes,music and emotion,sacred music,relaxing music,something in the way,sleep music,gaming music,musicmakers,gaa,gaelige,band,ode,willy wonka,galway,kilkenny,donegal,derry,buncrana,colaiste lurgan,conemarra,gaeltacht,tg4,cleas act,smart boys,talented,sean nos,riverdance,fiddle,accordian,new york,battery park,michael d higgins,conradh na gaelige,kbskbs2한국방송케이비에스음악musick-popkpop뮤직뱅크뮤뱅musicbankkbspop
